Hi All! Guess what? I'm a procrastinator...big time. For example, today's post....I was supposed to write this last night, but didn't. Now, I'm feverishly writing away trying to finish before Teri ...
Vegetable Recipes
Simple and delicious vegetable dishes can be found here. Looking for a delicious and flavorful side dish to add to your entree? You're in the right place. We love our beautiful Cheesy Root Vegetable Gratin recipe, or our no fuss and simple Cauliflower Parsnip Mash.
Simple Panzanella Salad
Panzenella Salad is for salad haters. It’s like the best possible case scenario for a salad. This year for my birthday, Jenny made me dinner. She had talked to me about side dishes, and then brought ...
Baked Asparagus Fries
Did you all have a good super bowl or puppy bowl? Madonna is scary, no? I've been seeing pictures of her from the Super Bowl, and it literally scares me. Nightmare scary. Anyway, asparagus fries are ...
Crispy Corn Cakes
So there's this place called E&O Trading Co. in San Fran and they have these AMAZING corn cakes, well technically they're called "Indonesian Corn Fritters" and I'll say it again...they're AMAZING! ...
Curried Butternut Squash Soup
Hi hi hi! It's been one of those weeks for me where you run around and wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts of things to do and things to buy. I just moved into a new studio that is super ...
Heavenly Mashed Potatoes
This amazing potato recipe is inspired by something we always had at my house growing up. We could call them heavenly potatoes because they were just that good. My favorite meal were these Heavenly ...
Bibim Nengmyun
My mom is the best Korean food cook I know. She's completely self-taught and such a natural. I know "mom/dad cooking" is a very personal thing to a lot people and I love that! I mean I'm definitely ...
Curry Fried Chickpeas
Curry Fried Chickpeas. This is something that I didn't even realize existed till I had them recently. It was totally a surprise. Like when I learned young Disney stars were not that innocent. Only ...
Potato Rings with Homemade Buttermilk Ranch
If french fries and onion rings ever got together and had a love child, I think it would be something like this...a light and crispy on the outside + creamy and luscious on the inside potato ring! Two ...
Grilled Corn Salsa
Alright, so this is a Carrie Bradshaw recipe. I've finally been watching Sex and the City. I'm a little late, I know, but I really like the show. That is until Carrie becomes a spoiled brat and ruins ...
Grilled Zucchini Tacos
It was one of those days where you feel fat and think that everything sucks. I was picking up a friend from the airport, and she was trying to convince me to go and eat with her at the Grove ...
Pappardelle Pasta with a Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce
Simple delicious pasta. This Pappardelle Pasta with a Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce is really beautiful. Simple, no fuss, no screw up, delicious recipes. I love this one because you can use all those ...
Aromatic Roasted Root Vegetables
This is a fragrant and awesome side dish for anything. Pair it with any great meat main dish and you're set. Easy, yummy, and beautiful. You can easily substitute different veggies if you prefer. If ...